What’s the difference between beauty school and a traditional college?

The decision to attend a traditional college or university versus a cosmetology school is completely personal, but we can offer you some information that might make it helpful to figure out which path is the right one for you.

Beauty School is not the same as a traditional college

While colleges and universities offer many different academic programs, they are often very expensive and do not provide you with any guarantee that you will even be able to find a job right away in your area of study. Beauty school, on the other hand, gives you a focused and comprehensive education in a subject matter that you are passionate about. You receive the proper technical training necessary to receive plus on-the-job skills that will help you advance as a trusted professional and expert in your field.

Time and Cost: The Beauty School Difference

Two other important factors to consider when choosing between a traditional college or a beauty school are time and money. A traditional college education will take you at least 2 years to complete – and that is for an associate degree. If you are going for a bachelor’s degree, you are looking at 4 years of full-time study before you are enter the workforce. Not to mention the fact that colleges and universities come with hefty price tags and often leave graduates with mounds of debt. Beauty schools, on the other hand, are a fraction of the cost and take much less time to complete.

At Keene Beauty Academy, students complete their cosmetology education in just 1500 hours of study. Plus, we are pleased to offer financial aid to qualified applicants.

Decisions, decisions

At the end of the day, the decision to attend beauty school should come down to your interests, passions, and desire to create a thriving career as a beauty professional. The only way you will know if it is really the right path for you is to take the first step and visit a beauty school, so you can get a feel for the environment. We may be bias, but we’re certain you will be inspired by the creativity and the energy happening on the floor and in the classrooms each and every day.

If you are unsure about whether or not you should take the first step, we are here to guide you, answer your questions, and provide you with the resources you need to make the most informed decision possible. Contact us today to learn more about everything a KBA education has to offer you!