Summer is almost here and that means more fun in the sun – beaches, swimming pools, backyard barbecues, hiking and so many more outdoor adventures. Along with summer fun comes some pretty tough hair challenges for all hair types. If you are wondering how to look your best and feel your best all summer long, we are here to help you tackle some of the biggest hair problems with some simple and easy-to-follow solutions. 

The problem: Keeping your color-treated hair shiny and vibrant

What to do: The biggest threat to your color treated hair in summertime is chlorine. Who doesn’t love a refreshing dip in the pool on a hot summer day? The good news is that with some simple at-home treatments, you can enjoy pool time without sacrificing your color treatment. The quickest and easiest way to combat chlorine is to apply a layer of coconut oil or olive oil before you dive in. For a more in-depth treatment, try applying a weekly deep conditioning product to give your hair that extra layer of protection. Also be sure to rinse your hair before entering the pool and try to shampoo as soon as you can after enjoying your dip in the pool.

The problem: Humidity can wreak havoc on your hair

What to do: Whether you are trying to show off your amazing curls or stepping out with a beautiful blown out style, it is important to take a few extra steps to protect your hair from summer’s harsh humidity. The key to keeping those amazing curls in the hot summer sun is to invest in a quality anti-frizz product. This should help maintain peppy curls that won’t fall flat. As for your blow out, try finishing with a straight iron in order to keep every hair in place. If you’re not feeling too picky about your summer hair style, then you can always opt for an easy bun or braid to beat the extra moisture in the air.

The problem: Split ends and dullness from dry air 

What to do: Depending on where you live, you may be facing extreme dryness instead of extreme moisture in the air and this can bring its own unique set of issues when it comes to maintaining healthy summer hair. Dry heat can lead to breakage and a dull appearance, which can seriously interfere with stress-free summer fun. If you want to restore your hair’s natural sheen and protect those ends, then it is important to stock up on products that are full of strengthening protein and other vital nutrients. A weekly deep conditioning mask can also work wonders on dry and brittle hair. And don’t forget to look for UV protection in any summer hair care product you add to your routine.

Now that you are equipped to handle summer’s most common hair issues, it’s time to let your hair down and have some fun in the sun. These simple tips can help you combat all of the heat’s harshest elements so you can enjoy your best hair all year long.