Okay, we are officially one month into winter and as you probably have already seen, this season can do a lot of damage to your hair if you don’t take some simple steps to maintain a winter home care routine. The good news is that if you have been noticing some changes to your hair so far this winter, it is not too late to start practicing some quick and easy winter hair care habits that can transform your hair and scalp from dull, itchy and brittle to looking and feeling healthy and luxurious.

Here are 3 tried and true winter-proof hair care tips from Keene Beauty Academy that will help you get through the next 2 months with great hair.

1.     Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

The cold air outside, combined with the dry warm air inside creates a perfect storm that will wreak havoc on your hair. But if you can commit to a weekly moisturizing and deep conditioning routine, your hair (and scalp!) will thank you. All hair types can benefit from a deep conditioning pampering session at least once a week. All you have to do is apply a healthy layer of conditioner to your hair, let it sit and soak in for thirty minutes, then rinse as usual.  Remember too, that really hot showers can be drying to hair and skin.  It might feel great when its cold out, but it can do some damage.

You also might want to consider changing up your products a bit by adding an oil-based moisturizer to your daily routine. If you are extra prone to winter dryness, you might even go so far as an overnight oil treatment to lock in extra moisture (and don’t forget to wear a plastic hair cap to keep your sheets clean!). If you’re unsure which products are optimal for your hair type and style, you can always stop by the Keene Beauty Academy student salon for winter hair care tips and advice.

2.     Less is More

One of the simplest things you can do to keep your hair looking healthy and vibrant all winter long is to minimize your routine. It sounds a little counterintuitive, right? But in reality, scaling back your hair care routine in the winter is exactly what you need to do in order to minimize breakage, keep a healthy scalp, and reduce split ends. Two easy ways to preserve your hair during the harsh winter months are to shampoo fewer days than you normally would and avoid heat styling tools. Always use heat protection products when using hot tools – another way to get tips and advice from The KBA Student salon.

It can be a bit of a balancing act but remember never to leave the house with damp hair despite cutting back on your styling routine. Hair freezes and that’s not a good thing.  This can also cause unnecessary breakage and even impact the longevity of your color treatment. If possible, try cleansing your hair at night and sticking with simple styles in the morning, like braids, buns, and ponytails if you have long hair.  As much as you can, wait to put your hair up until its “dry by sight” (looks dry but may feel cool/damp).

This will help you avoid mold or mildew from occurring in your hair/scalp. NOT GOOD!

Quick tip…. NEVER EVER EVER USE FLAT IRONS OR CURLING IRONS ON WET OR DAMP HAIR!! SOOOO DAMAGING! It’s best to wait until your hair is fully dry.

3.     Tress for Success

Okay, we couldn’t resist the play on words there, but what we obviously mean is dress for success! Cute headwear accessories are fun and fashionable, but not always functional for your hair during the harsh winter months. Wool hats and scarves can cause static and breakage, while hats that cling tightly to your head can actually prevent healthy oils from hydrating your roots. Both of these are common winter hair pitfalls that can contribute to unhealthy locks all season long. One way to protect your hair from winter fashion woes is to wrap a simple silk scarf around your hair before your put on your winter hat. The natural hypoallergenic properties of silk help to hydrate, prevent thinning, and are much gentler on your hair and scalp. The thought of adding an extra step (and layer) to your already cumbersome winter wardrobe might sound tedious, but the end result will be happier, healthier hair.

Bonus Tip!

If you are someone who loves to color your hair, make sure you stick to darker hues during the winter months. Platinum blonde is fun and flirty but is definitely harsh on your hair. If you absolutely can’t imagine going through winter as a brunette, then make sure you keep your roots a little darker to help lock in as much moisture as possible.

Remember, once you get into a consistent winter hair care routine, you will quickly start to enjoy the results of a little extra hair care effort each day and week. Stick with it and don’t forget to stop by the Keene Beauty Academy salon for product and styling advice – we’re here for you!