If you are feeling like this winter has been particularly harsh on your hair and skin, then you are not alone! In our last article, we provided you with some important tips for maintaining a healthy hair care routine to combat the cold temperatures and dry hair. 

This month, as we near winter’s end, we are going to give you 3 simple hints to help you nurture your skin through these last few weeks of winter. Between fluctuating temps and crazy weather patterns, you are probably wondering how to keep a steady and consistent skin care routine that can handle all of winter’s madness. Using these 3 tips as your foundation, you will definitely notice that your skin is softer, more radiant, and most importantly healthy.

1. Consistency is Key

Cleansing and moisturizing your skin are two very basic, but extremely important steps in your winter skin care routine. Scratch that – this step is the basis for a healthy skin care routine any time of the year for every skin type. It’s easy to remember to cleanse and moisturize in the morning when you are getting ready to face the world, but it is almost even more important to cleanse and moisturize in the evening. Why? Well, through the night while we are asleep, our skin is working hard on regeneration and healing – there is a reason it is called beauty rest! This is exactly why it is critical to wash your face before bedtime and scrub away any dead skin. 

2. Take the Extra Step – It’s worth it!

You know the scenario well. It’s the end of a long day and the last thing you want to do before crawling into bed is take the time to remove your makeup. We’ve all been there and forgetting to do it happens to the best of us, but that should be the exception, not the rule. Removing your makeup each night helps remove irritants that prevent the skin regeneration process we mentioned above. If you’re really looking to up the ante and take your skin care routine to the next level, then we highly recommend using a light enzyme exfoliant after cleansing every night. The Daily Microfoliant by Dermalogica is an excellent product that you can find right here in our salon.

3. Moisturizing is a Must

Okay, we sound like a broken record, but your skin – as you have most likely experienced – is extremely sensitive to winter’s harsh elements as well as dry, indoor air. When winter weather starts to take its toll, the best thing you can do frequently and consistently is moisturize. If you are someone with oily skin, you may think that you’re in the clear with extra winter moisturizing, but the truth is that all skin types will benefit from a little extra dose of water moisture all year long.

These 3 easy-to-follow winter skin care routine hints may seem basic, but sometimes it is necessary to make sure we have the fundamentals fully covered before building upon the foundation. If you feel like you are following these simple skin care steps, but still aren’t getting the results you want, then we invite you to visit the salon at Keene Beauty Academy for a free skin care consultation and skin mapping session. Our skin care specialists will help you elevate your routine with the appropriate products formulated for your individual skin care needs. We want you to love the skin you’re in, so give us a call today!